Behind the science of proximity by design

The spatial relationship of the cell surface proteome defines our work. By moving two or more proteins within closer proximity, we can affect cell signaling and downstream biology. This breakthrough science unlocks differentiated therapeutic pathways for a host of diseases.

Why proximity matters

Normal cell physiology is driven by the ability of a cell to communicate with other cells, nearby and across the body. Naturally occurring protein proximity – and how cells alter that proximity in response to external stimuli – are major drivers of signal transduction in normal and disease settings.

No protein is an island

Much of traditional drug development aims to inhibit or stimulate individual proteins or pathways. But proteins don’t merely function in isolation. They also function together. By pairing two or more unique pathways, InduPro creates enhanced receptor signaling and responses – all with an unprecedented level of cellular specificity.


We manipulate protein proximity

By leveraging the current understanding of signaling pathways and inherent protein locations, we create novel cell signaling and logic gates. This allows us to manipulate local protein environments that alter cell surface receptor function within disease.

Our science in action

We address previously unmet patient needs through life changing therapies. Our biologics-driven, induced proximity approach to drug discovery applies to a broad range of signaling pathways, receptor classes, and membrane associated protein modification enzymes.

The initial focus of our therapies is on oncology and auto-inflammatory diseases. Into the future, we look to bridge even greater possibilities through proximity by design.

What proximity enables

The impact is twofold:

Proximity enables discovery

Using our proprietary MInt database, we define protein proximity and neighborhoods to identify ligands, co-receptors, co-targets, and novel signaling pathways.

Identifying dynamic/temporal changes in proximity following therapeutic treatment reveals new biology and therapeutic opportunities.

Proximity enables therapeutics

Induced proximity of post-translational modifying enzymes offers a ligand-independent way to modulate signal transduction. This allows us to target what was previously out of reach.

Relocating receptors into new, local environments can alter signaling, and dual targeting of different proteins facilitates cell-selective therapeutic delivery.

Where conventional therapeutics seek to modify natural ligand/receptor signaling biology, InduPro differentiates by utilizing proximity to create targeted pairings – a new paradigm for affecting therapeutic pathways.

How proximity by design makes a difference

Drug discovery built on both inherent and induced proximity impacts process, platforms, and people:


  • Identifies novel protein interactions and signaling biology
  • Defines native ligands and co-receptors, and assesses signaling networks


  • MInt gives insights into biology from inherent proximity
  • Our Binder Toolbox manipulates and creates biology from induced proximity


  • New pairings create new therapeutic paradigms
  • Addressing known biology and targets in new ways brings more effective, safer medicines to patients

Learn more about our platforms – and the two-fold strategy of inherent and induced proximity that differentiates us.

Contact Us

InduPro Seattle
1930 Boren Ave Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98101

InduPro Boston
215 First Street, Suite 150
Cambridge, MA 02142

(206) 593-5005

General Inquiries:
[email protected]

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